Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Don't Ever Lock Me in the Laundry Room

If you ever want to torture me...lock me in the laundry room! I'd rather scrub toilets than do laundry and please, if laundry is a requirement to make it to Heaven, count me out now. I don't have a chance in HECK! It doesn't matter how hard I try the "mountain" never disappears. The only thing that differs is it degree of climbing difficulty. I naively thought that all my problems where solved six years ago when we bought the largest washer and dryer Sears could legally sell us. The washer was worth more than our mini van (our lawn mower was worth more than that van ;)) It was the largest single purchase we had ever made... But until they make a washer that goes around the house, picks up all the clothes, sorts, washes, dries, folds, returns them to the proper place and can teach my teenagers the mystical science behind the closing of their dresser drawers ...It doesn't matter how expensive or big the machine is, my mountain will still exist.

Yesterday and today I have had to face my biggest nemesis. I have gotten the "mountain" down to a large mole-hill. Yeah Me! My motivation?.... My three oldest girls and I head to YW camp in the morning...and apparently clean clothes are a camp requirement now ;)


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