Sunday, August 1, 2010

Can I have a do-over please???

Can I have a do-over please??

This last week all I did was worry and the only thing I learned....that worry is wasted. I spent an entire week focusing on what was wrong and maybe I was even justified...we spent days waiting to hear from doctors and wondering if Grant's vision would be permanently affected by his concussion....our landlord wanted to do a yearly inspection, so I felt the house had to be spotless(oh and yes the house is that clean ALL the time ;) ;) Dad, affected by addiction and increasing memory loss, was very unkind because he hadn't remembered a conversation with me just hours earlier, trying to come to terms with a second parent struggling with declining physical & mental health is more difficult than I'd care to admit....and wishing that our family relationships could be more traditional and supportive...Right in the middle of my self imposed pity party...I came across this quote while I was preparing my Relief Society topic HOPE (go figure :))

Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek. He does love you, and He knows your fears. He hears your prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His children shed.

-Jeffrey R. Holland, “‘An High Priest of Good Things to Come’,” Ensign, Nov 1999, 36

I was schooled!!! Even though I felt alone, I wasn't. There was a silver lining...I just needed to change my attitude and look for it.....I hadn't had a bad week at all... We had had a great visit with my nieces and my sister in law(the other founding member of our "I married a Kramer" support group & one of my favourite people), spent a wonderful day on the beach, my house was totally spotless & my entire honey-do-list was complete (yeah Grant), through all the struggles with my parents I still have the best sister in the world and on Friday Grants vision tests and CT scan came back normal. It truly was a great week. The only thing about my week that needed changing was my attitude.


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