Saturday, April 9, 2011

Snowbirds, Sand and Sea, See

Since Grandma and Grandpa are visiting we thought we'd take the kids, dogs and them to the beach for some fresh air and a run (for the dogs, not us, its not close enough to bathing suit season yet ;). We ended up with the added bonus of watching the tail end of the Snowbirds practice over Kye Bay
Love them.
Love them.
Love Them.
Dallyn panning for gold (I didn't break it to him that he needs a river but whatever)
Alex collecting sand dollars (How can you tell the difference between American Sand Dollars and Canadian ones....Right now the Canadian ones are bigger :) Ha Ha Thanks Grandpa Bruce we got it and so did Alex after some explaining.....
The dogs could run forever with the low tide.
Okay I wanted some family pictures (I guess I'm crazy) ....After much protesting this was the best we could do....

So grateful for some real family time...we have sure missed Grandma and Grandpa.


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