Friday, August 5, 2011

Costco Caving

So after weeks of mocking our friends and saying we'd never get a Costco membership again we finally bit the bullet (aka caving) and renewed ours. After all, the largest Costco on the Island just opened its doors, and it is a whopping 3 minute drive from my doorstep to the 5 gallon bucket of mayonnaise and 10 pound bag of hemp hearts,  I never  realized I needed.

We had been in several times before to take advantage of the samples and the snack bar (were else can we feed our brood for $13.93) But, we have managed to resist the muffins the size of spaceships and 48 boxes of smarties calling our names.

So today in a moment of weakness we caved....Our cards were so old they had to give us new ones.  Last time we got new cards... 1995. 1995 I had a mullet, two and a half toddlers and we drove a '76 Olds Omega....oh the memories.

We barely made it past the 150 inch TV's  before our rug rats (who had been previously threatened warned) started begging like the orphans in Oliver....
"Mom this is exactly what we need, a phone with 15 hand sets!!!" " Dad please!!! We need this waffle maker that spins!"

"Don't say another word!!!" The superman and I utter, almost in unison. That lasted all of 3 and a half minutes. So in front of the 50 glue sticks and 75 sharpies we sent ALL four of them to walk home...Now!!!. Shopping with kids is such a rookie mistake.

Now shopping in peace, we wandered aimlessly form more than two hours (we would never avoid going home ,now would we? ;)

We made it to the register with a bill of only $83.67  (a great exercise in self restraint)....And doesn't every body need 75 ballpoint pens, a pair of jeans, brown sugar, a keg of cranberry cocktail and enough laundry detergent to do laundry 'til 2013 (that's a lie, let's say next Thursday)......


  1. I went to our Costco today, and was wondering when the Courtenay store would open! I can't believe it has, because it was the CRAZIEST busiest place here today (I thought to myself: "I can't wait til the other one opens!") Congratulations for making it out of there and spending less than $100!!

  2. I barely make it out of there with less than a $100 bucks. But Ron and I stopped by there one day for lunch, $6 !!!!!!! woo hoo
