Entering the temple with our youth was a stark contrast to the chaotic drive to get there...The spirit of the temple brought instant peace. Witnessing the joy and enthusiasm of our youth for the next two hours was an absolute privilege. Our youth are nothing short of amazing and watching their unity in purpose, spirit and friendship, I could help but think, I'm pretty sure this is what heaven will be like.
As we left the front doors of the temple, we caught a glimpse of a young couple who had just been married for time and all eternity. The bride the daughter of dear friends. She had been one of my YW and was also laurel when Holly was first a beehive. She had always been so kind to Holly. I felt joy for this beautiful bride and gratitude for the example she continues to set for my daughters. Such a sweet moment.
I love to see the Temple, especially with our youth :)
It was the best to see you guys at the temple that day. I love your family.