Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Promises for 2012

I will not yell at my rug rats between the hours of 3 and 4 am.

We will only have frozen pizza one night a week.

I will limit my self to 2 cans of Dr Pepper a week, unless I'm hormonal.

I will cheerfully make dinner at least once a week.(frozen pizza does not count)

I will not roll my eyes when asked to fill out permission slips or attend parent-teacher conferences.

I will ask my teenagers permission before I blog about them (unless it is really funny or stupid)

I will actually watch a Star Trek movie without mocking it vocally.

I will allow my Superman to buy what ever toilet paper his tushie desires.

I will walk in the laundry room once a day (to avoid denial).

I will only watch Dance Moms or Toddlers & Tierras when I feel like a bad parent.


  1. Oh my goodness - you are hilarious, Robin!!

  2. Your best chance of getting through a Star Trek movie is the 2009 version :)

  3. i ALWAYS WATCH dance moms I stayed up till 3 am the other day when they had thier marathon I feel like a great mom after doing this dont deny me please
    love you guys
    will help any way I know how
    love Patti

  4. Some very practical goals for the new year Robin, you can do it (I especially like the one about not yelling at your kids, good time)
