Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Oozing Mystery

Last night I cleaned up a mysterious puddle of sticky green slime off the laminate in the living room...No one knew what it was and no one was willing to claim it...Not all that unusual around here... 
After a few hours of cleaning and de-junking, this morning, I went to grab the vacuum, a familiar green substance oozing from underneath...(Should I call Ghostbusters???)
I then realized the canister was full, I mean full of CORN and green slime...
What? The! Heck!!!
  Bailey hadn't left for work yet and pled innocence...
So I then went down the list of which kid was DUMB enough most likely to do the deed....
DALLYN: (also claimed innocence, threw Bailey under the bus...)
On to MADISON: (Innocent, blames Alex...)

 ALEX: (GUILTY!!!! and I thought you were the smart one?)
So after all the CSI work this annoyed housewife can muster...
ALEX destroyed the $200 vacuum...
Sucking up a $2 bag of frozen corn that had spilt in the freezer, followed by $1 worth of green sugar sprinkles she had spilt in the pantry and then left the vacuum in the storage room for four days....
This is why we can't have nice things!?!

1 comment:

  1. That is seriously beyond disgusting. And you are right, you can't have anything nice.
