Thursday, May 26, 2016

Boots and Goodbyes

When you first bring them home the fact that they will eventually move out seems like a millennia away...and through the blur of a thousand diaper changes, a hundred school assemblies, ten or more emergency room visits that infant is a full fledge adult ready to enter the world of buying her own toilet paper and paying for her own wi-fi...

It really does all happen in the blink of an eye.

Bailey left for Edmonton this morning, her sisters turning the event into an epic sisters road trip.

I'm not gonna lie, there were less tears than I thought...she's more than ready and heck she survived a mission...we will miss her tons but I knew when she came home, she wouldn't stay for long...

The odd thing to me is that in a household that for decades never had enough bedrooms or laundry baskets or gallons of milk, now has empty beds, a washer that rests occasionally and milk that even sours...

As I cleaned up her room and put away what she didn't take this morning, I was surprised when I found the boots that survived every step on her mission left in the back of her closet....
I hadn't looked closely at them before...soles walked smooth...stones from Newfoundland still stuck in the heals...salt and snow stained leather...heals glued back together more than once...

I hope she never forgets the lessons of all those steps she walked on her mission. 
And can't wait to see the where her steps lead from here....
Leaving home is hard especially on moms and dads.
But we are so proud to have watched them grow and become pretty awesome adults...but goodbyes will always make my heart ache some.

You'll do awesome Bailey! We just know it! ❤️


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