The girls just got back from four days at Gordon Bay Provincial Park. They had a blast at Girl's Camp and here is proof....![]()
The girl's YW president who is moving away was unable to attend Girl's Camp this they decided to take Michelle with them (sorry Michelle, I know its kinda creepy) But at least you know you're loved.
Alex's first year at camp...Awww my sweet, quiet little beehive.
Our old camping pros :)
Alex and Elizabeth....two of the three amigos
Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters :) Really it just proves they CAN stand next to each other and smile at the same time.
Hannah, the third amigo and Alex
Bubbles, fun no matter how old you are :)
Kaili and Holly....proof that you can survive without make up, showers and straighteners and still look your best :)
Holly and Bailey loved being junior leaders. Madison survived a canoe capsizing in wind and waves and still came home with a smile on her face and a great story and Alex can't wait to go again next year. They all came home showered and have now been asleep for hours. Girls Camp was a complete success and I have four Happy Camper's to prove it. Happy girls, grateful mom :)