Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's Okay I Still Love You.....

The ideal vision of motherhood has always eluded me.... My experience with motherhood thus far has never reflected a Hallmark card, not even kind of....but I still love them and wouldn't change a thing.

Even when.....

I still love you..... when you leave your scooter in the middle of the mud room, and I trip over said scooter, racing for the batthroom and pretty much pee my pants, because having five babies equals the bladder control of a puppy.

I still love you...when you tell penis jokes at the dinner table and I have to use all avenues of self-contol to scold you instead of dying in hystarics and you continue to tell jokes because making me laugh/blush has now become a sport.

I still love you...when I get two inches of luke warm water in the bottom of the tub, when I was expecting to have a nice, relaxing hot bubble bath...because an unrepentant  rug rat stayed in the shower 'til February

I still love you...when you roll your eyes into the back of your skull 'cause I can't figure out how to play fruit ninja or upload pictures from the i-pod and you have to help me, in public.

I still love you....when you find and consume the donuts I hid in the oven drawer and then try to deflect my wrath by lecturing me that  "sharing is taught by example"....I don't have to share darlings...they're donuts dang it.

Can you guess which kid did what???

#5, #4, #2, #1, #3

Motherhood is bliss, isn't it :)


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