I thought it would be fun to have a combined baby shower for them. In my new beautiful back yard....
Well one little girl, surprised everyone by actually being a Samuel and caused a few last minute changes in the decor and the beautiful back yard was enjoyed by no one, cause it POURED..... but sa la vie :)
We discovered that our living room will hold 28 people before claustrophobia kicks in.... Its always fun to celebrate the birth of a baby, whether they are the first or seventh and eighth (respectively)....
It was a lot of fun...spoiling Samuel and Sirena and their amazing mothers :)
My Superman and offspring have all informed me that I am not allowed to have another function at Casa de Kramer until I get professional help for my OCCD {obsessive compulsive cleaning disorder}....Apparently I get rather
Its totally a self imposed expectation, all those attending are my friends and none of them would report me to the RS president if my napkins aren't coordinated, but I can't stop myself (it is a disorder isn't it) Sorry kids, but sharing my home with my friends will always be worth it :)
Thank you and your disorder Robin! It was a lovely evening and I didn't even realize there were 28 people in the room at once!! That is pretty amazing.