Tuesday, August 7, 2012


We just spent last week picking up the man child from my In Laws....
Dallyn has spent the first five weeks of summer, in middle of nowhere....Yahk, BC (population 127). The in laws don't actually live in Yahk, they live 3 klicks outside of the thriving metropolis. In a 400 sq ft cabin, completely by choice....

No cell service, no Internet, no grocery store....few creature comforts, I never really understood it...but this visit I totally got it...


They have all they need.....Wood stove, big screen tv, two lazy boys and this.....

The world's best fire pit....I think everyone should have one, it would sure save on the therapy bills....

Bruce even put in a second bathroom this year....an out house, complete with electric lights, inside and out.

I left, completely envious of their life style....Its made me stop and think about priorities and necessities. I think its time to simplify.

Dallyn lived a twelve year olds dream...
Climbing trees, tubing the river (that backs their property) and driving this.....

Grandpa's truck....only on the property...The Superman and I weren't out of the car five minutes before Dallyn had to show us...he even backed the truck in and parked it...the 12 year old drives better than some un-named older siblings ;)

Simplicity... I think I like. :)


  1. Awesome! Although I'd have a hard time without internet...

  2. I'd at least have to have internet to stay somewhat connected to the world via facebook, and I would also have to have a decent sized craft room for my scrapbooking etc. But I agree simplicity is wonderful, and I love the fire pit!!!
