Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Burning Question???

A person that means the world to me, recently asked me this question...

"If there is a loving God (Heavenly Father), How do you explain all the suffering in the world? Why do terrible things happen to good, innocent people?"

The question was not asked as a challenge, just a wondering heart??

I wasn't sure how to answer?? In all honesty it's a question I've struggled with? Why did my Mom suffer so much? Why did my Dad's passing have to redefine my definition of true suffering? Hadn't the heartache the first time taught me enough??

I said something to the affect that "I believed there was a special place in Heaven for those who have suffered greatly in this life and that we will all be compensated for our heartache in this life, in the next.....

But over the last few weeks the question has lingered....

I asked Superman...Who with a certain gleam in his eye, said "Why don't you search the scriptures?" (Silly boy ;) Kay Scripture Study is something I've always struggled with...(It keeps me from being translated ;) )

I then asked the missionaries, who quickly flipped open their scriptures (see I'm no dumby)....

But none of the answers had the simplicity I was looking for...

I asked a friend (someone who actually paid attention in Seminary) He gave me a few ideas but a few days later sent me another message and said I should watch this  Mormon Message on Forgiveness...It might help....I had seen it several times before....and wasn't sure it contained the answer.....

"I'm grateful that God allows tragedies and trails to occur in our lives- not because they're easy or because they're desired, but because they help us love."

Tragedies and trials do help us love. LOVE is the simplistic answer I was looking for.

Saying goodbye to one parent with mental illness and another with dementia long before their deaths has taught me much about love.

The tragedies and trials we have faced in no way reflect the magnitude of other families, but I realize our trials and heartache have opened my heart to love in a way, nothing else could have....

I love my husband and children in a much deeper way than I would have....

I do not take time or the people in my life for granted...

I feel a deeper gratitude for the kindness and love shown to my family by others...

I also loved what the man's stake president said....

"There is Jesus's way to resolve problems, to address situations, to handle sorrow, and then there's some other way...."

After my mom's death I was angry, hurt and bitter....I hated her illness and never understood the manner of her death (falling in the nursing home) Why her? Why Me? Why this?? If things had only been different?

I wanted to blame someone...the nurses, the facility, God....

Blame got me nowhere and only added to my heartache and clouded my journey.

It was years later...It was time to let the anger go. For the first time I prayed for my heart to heal. It was so hard to even say the words. Peace did come. I had no idea how much I would need the room in my heart.

Only months later we started and ended the journey with Dad. Again overwhelming heartache but not the blame or anger.

I do not know why ??  I don't ask that question anymore. But I know that the answer to heartache is love.

Sad.... yes of coarse...But I now know to always leave a place for love.


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