Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nice One, Dad

We found some surprises at Dad's house.....
A BYU music stand from the music department??? Dad never went to BYU. He was a die-hard Utah State Alumni. So the story behind how he got his grubby hands on this, I am sure is a good one....Kelli is horrified that our father apparently was in possession of "inaccurately acquired" BYU property, that she is now compelled to return to its proper place....
So, my Dad's last visit to the Island was in 2009...When we checked him in to go home the ticket agent mention that there had been some "issues" with Dad's flight to Canada and he would be escorted through each gate on his way home....I thought oh, well that's nice of them to help Dad?!?
Well, we found a very official letter addressed to our father from these people....

I would copy it here, but do not want to be flagged or something....
Let's just say Dad had an "incident" at a connecting airport and "maybe" attempted to exit thru two security gates, to smoke....when he was "supposedly stopped by the TSA agents he became belligerent and cursed at them...According to  said letter TSA had decided to drop charges and close the file after Dad's apologetic response to previous letters...No wonder he never wanted to fly to Canada again.
Dad had an issue with "borrowing" things from restaurants....Salt shakers, order number signs, cutlery...and this....
The distinctive red tray from In and Out Burger...Like that wasn't obvious?
(We made sure we at there lots this last week)
And he used this as a coffee table....A timpani (the huge drums at the back of an orchestra)
Only thing is it wasn't Dad's it had "Property of Santa Ana College" stenciled on the side of it...How he managed to "borrow" this is beyond me Especially considering he drove a VW Beetle
Still shaking my head, thanks a lot Dad !?!



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