Saturday, October 5, 2013

Conference Answers

A rough road continues...Superman and I sat in the doctors office, this week, trying to figure out what to do next...There are no quick fixes and no guarantees...Time will tell... The honesty appreciated but so difficult to hear...

I hid my tears until we got to the van, but the life long reality it hard...While we had just gained deeper understanding of what we are facing, and could not deny our doctor's heart again ached at the thought....

Two days later....

I turned on General Conference this afternoon completely out of obligation, rather than desire...The Ipad sitting on the table as I sewed, I caught only bits and pieces above the drone of my sewing machine...I heard them announce Elder Jeffery R Holland as a speaker..."Oooo I wonder what topic he will tackle today", I thought as I continued piecing together my quilt...

Elder Holland started his talk ..."I wish to speak to those who suffer from some form of mental illness..."


I stopped dead and grabbed the Ipad...

There have been many articles and lessons on Mental Illness but this was the first time I remember it being directly addressed in General Conference.

As I listened intently, I realized I was sobbing...

I felt so many different emotions...acknowledged...loved...understood...

There was so much power, in just acknowledging the challenge that mental illness is. A challenge our family and Superman has face for decades...and not always with the compassion and understanding Elder Holland lovingly and powerfully shared.

This last week was so hard and  I instantly knew my Heavenly Father was fully aware of our struggles and how much my heart was hurting...

.....Be merciful, non-judgemental and kind....

I bear witness of that one day when loved ones that we knew to have disabilities in mortality, will stand before us glorified and grand, breathtakingly perfect, in body and mind. What a thrilling moment that will be. I don't know whether we will be happier for our selves for witnessing such a miracle, or happier for them that they are fully perfect and finally free at last....

I could barely read my friends text, through my tears, immediately following Holland's amen....

"Did you just watch Holland's talk?"...<3 em="">

We are not alone in our struggles. How grateful I am for the hope the gospel brings. And for General Conference...
Elder Holland's talk...


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