Saturday, May 31, 2014

Wait! What?

It started off innocent and all, a few basic questions about Bipolar...not my diagnosis, but I seem to be the resident expert on all things mental and how to get stains out of brand new furniture....

They are questions I'm never quite comfortable with (the mental ones), but usually attack with straight up honesty if I think they are genuine or I change the subject to my latest installment of guess what my stupid brilliant teenagers this week....

The questions felt genuine so I  answered with complete, simple honesty...

After a basic rundown of the illness (minus crayons), I was met with....

"So...he doesn't know the difference between a TRUTH and a LIE...."

Wait! What?!? No that's not it at ALL?

No he's not a sociopath, there is a HUGE difference, he is completely cognisant(probably too big of a word) of his surroundings, the effects his illness has on him and those around him, the chemicals in his brain don't provide an even keel and so he feels emotions differently. He is not and has never been CRAZY!!!...

My rapid attempt to fix the lack of understanding, was a lost cause. I went silent.

The whole interchange rattled me and I kicked myself for allowing the conversation in the first place, I let my guard down...I didn't see it coming....

The lack of education and understanding still astounds me, you have had association with us for years and that's what you thought about my Superman....That's just plain sad.

Man, what a WEIRD week, full misunderstanding...


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