Thursday, July 24, 2014

Moving Meltdown

You know that point where you've got so much to do, that the only thing want to do is nap....Yup I hit that point, before 10:30 am on Monday....
I knew the week between family vacation and moving that family would be busy, but I had no idea all the javelin catching required, would be so emotionally draining...

So many extras, newly required forms, doctors forms..... last minute oh yeah we're buying a house today phone calls, emails and documents....and oh yeah we're moving in five daysI.... I hit my wall...I'm sure there's something that still needs to find a box and I know the oven still needs to be cleaned, but I don't think I have the brain power to make one more decision or sign one more up sometimes seems easier...

I have had many private prayerful moments, certain in just couldn't do it...there is just no way it's all going to come together and each time...I've found strength beyond my own...and each hurdle is solved....weird :)

So I'm tired but so humbled...Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives...and answers even the smallest prayers. I'm sure there will be many more prayers in the next week too :)


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