Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Dress Rules.

This won't get me any Mother of the Year points,  But I must share......
The rug rats have gotten themselves ready for Church on there own for years now (minus the weekly frantic search for shoes) and we only have a few rules.
1. Modest
2. Clean
3. Ironed
I rarely pay attention to what they look like as we walk out the door...The fact that we make it out the door is, in itself its own miracle :)....

We were rushed as we walked into Church, this morning and I still hadn't noticed anything amiss....
It wasn't until Dallyn got up to pass the Sacrament that I noticed this.....
{I know how irreverent of me!} 
Dallyn had done his own hair, and looked just like.... Think, SNL, Ed Grimley....

Nope, I couldn't even look at him...It was all I could do, to keep from losing it on the stand {bad parent}. Ed Grimley skits would not stop playing through my mind....I might have been the only one that noticed but, it made my Sacrament Meeting.

New Rule #4
Hair (must NOT resemble cartoon characters, vacuum cleaner attachments or anything from SNL)


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