Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fed Up Family Prayer

The rug rats couldn't take anything seriously if the President was in the building....(but neither could their mother, but it's only funny when I do it...)

So it may have been a few months weeks since we have enforced had family prayer....But I am determined to be a good mother so...

The last week we have had family prayer more than we haven't....Yay Us!

It's like herding cats, getting all six of us in the same room and off electronics long enough to say a simple prayer.

They had been rather respectful to start the week....

No Rhyming...
No saying waffle or naked...
No prayers in Whale...

Wow maybe they've all matured some...awesome.

Last night it was Man child's turn....

He rattles off a prayer faster than an Olympian racing for gold...

"Amen...Oh My Gosh! I said that all with one breath!" Dallyn says gasping for breath

Dallyn!?!? Grant and I launch into the reverence and respect lecture.

Say it again! This time with thought and purpose!!!

Dallyn suddenly realises we are serious....

And starts again...we ignore the several references to our harsh parenting....Amen.

"I give that a 3 out of 10, Dallyn! Nice Alex, real nice.

So the list just gets longer...

NO: Rhyming...saying waffle, naked...saying it in breath....or rating it.

And y'all wonder why I'm a little fed up with the rug rats...


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