Saturday, March 22, 2014

Superman Sleeps

Superman and I escaped for the weekend, the kids were just as happy to wave goodbye, as we were...

Grant's been asleep beside me for hours, peacefully in dreamland.

 I've surfed Pinterest, pinning recipes I'll probably never use, wandered down to the free continental breakfast, decided using the waffle machine without supervision was not in my best interest, read my magazines through twice.....all in an effort to just let Superman sleep. 

Even a year or two ago, this need for sleep would have driven me bonkers but now I am just grateful for it and its restorative power.

A passing comment a few days ago, has caused me to stop and reflect a lot on the blessings of loving a husband who has Bipolar disorder...yes I said blessings. Go with me here....

Sure our lives are different than we pictured, but they are far from awful or tragic.

Grant isn't able to go to work right now, the blessing in that is it has allowed our lives to slow down. We have been given the gift of time. Time to rest, time to reflect time to recover...

We seriously don't sweat the small stuff...things that before would cause great worry or stress, don't even phase me now.

In the midst of the struggle we have come to understand the depth of our strength and courage as a couple, a family and individuals.

It has completely changed how we think of others...

Our children know difficulty and miracles and forgiveness and the Atonement first hand.

Peace, calm and progress have a deeper gratitude.

I have especially come to appreciate and understand the power of prayer and my need for my Heavenly Father's guidence.

It has fortified friendships.

It allows us to see the capacity for kindness in our dear friends.

It has opened doors and allowed us to help others.

We laugh at things no one else finds funny.

So as Superman sleeps, I am grateful for many things, but especially for him.

Now back to Pinterest....I'm sure there is some "joy of motherhood" post I can gleefully mock.


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