Friday, March 28, 2014

Photo Flashback

These are photos, years before Kelli and I were born...
My parents had more than eleven years, before we came along.
I'm guessing they were taken in the mid to late 1960's.
And from all appearances, my  parents rocked the 60's.
Both were teachers and they spent every break, traveling...

 Grand Canyon....
 Downtown Salt Lake City...

....That was my Mom's '64 burgundy Mustang.(that license plate hangs on the wall in my Kitchen)
And this is my Dad's '62 VW Bug (he drove it for 28 years) the hub cap also hangs on the wall in my kitchen....
Hoover Dam???....

Lake Tahoe....
I so wish I knew more about these times, when my parents were footloose and fancy-free. They sure did live their California dream. :)


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