Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gratitude {times} 100

The First Presidency's message from the Ensign this month was The Choice to Be Grateful....Easier said than done sometimes.

For the first day of Christmas a couple of nights ago, as a family, we talked about all the things we were grateful for....each of us wrote ten things on a pieces of paper and put them into our gratitude box.....

Clearly some took this more seriously than others :)

Today I decided I needed to take the 100 Grateful Things Challenge....
So here goes (in no particular order).....

Physical Abilities Laugh Walk See Hear Laminate (jk) Smile Hug the Hokie Pokie look Busy Craft :)

Material Possessions
1.Washing Machine
2.Dishwasher(s) (also known as H,B,M,A and D)
3.Lap Top
4.The Loser Cruiser
5.My (Great) Grandmother's Rocker, China & Ice Cream Maker
6.My Bed
7.i Pod
8.Our Dining Room Table
9.Warm Clothes

Living People
1.My Superman
2.My Darling Rug rats
3.Our Dear Friends
4. Our Family
5.Our Church Family
6.Compassionate Doctors
7.Kind Co-workers
8.Quiet Neighbours
10.All funny People

Deceased People
1. my Grandma Beena
2. my Mom
3. my Great Grandma Ash
4. my Uncles Bob, Bill, Pete
5. my Grandad Glen (kindest man I have ever known)
6. Pres Gordan B Hinckley
7. Jesus Christ
8. Prophet Joseph Smith
9.Emma Smith
10.Joseph B Wirthlin

1. Sunsets
2. Sandy Beaches
3. Stormy Seas
4. Fall Colours
5. Rainbows
6. Shades of Green
7. Waterfalls
8. Soaring Eagles
9.Thunder Storms
10.Summer Breezes

1. A New Start
2. Daylight (I'd say sunshine, but its the we(s)t coast)
3. My VT's don't care if I'm still in pyjama's or if the couch is free of laundry
4. Superman's smiling
5. The rug rats attend public school :)
6. A Warm House
7. Food in the Cupboard
8. Christmas Carols
9. It didn't snow
10. Maddie's cookies for breakfast

Places on Earth
1. Home
2.Our Temple
3.Where ever my friends are
4.Music Performances
5.Ucluelet, BC
6.Temple Square
7.Kye Bay
8.Sprout Lake
9.Anywhere, where it is quiet enough to think
10.The beach, any beach

Modern Inventions
1. Medicine
3.Corrective Surgery
4.Toilet Paper
5. Caller ID
6. Headphones
7.Hot Water Tank
8.The Backspace Key
9.Store bought bread
10.Frozen Lasagna

1.All things Mexican
2.Cherry Pie (minus the cherries)
3.Beef Dip
4.Fettuccine Alfredo
5.Superman's Burgers
6.Any dessert involving lemon
7. Fancy Hot Chocolate
8. Hot Apple Cider
9. Potato Bacon Chowder
10.Anything I didn't have to cook (except fish)

1.Principle of Hope
4.Primary Songs
5.Stake Conference
6.the phrase "to Succor"
7.Family History
8.Relief Society
9.The Welfare Program

Gratitude is a choice and something I will continue to work on. What makes you most grateful???


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