Thursday, December 22, 2011

Puking Kids = Bad Parenting :)

I am the first to admit it but at times I'm a BAD (read tired, overwhelmed and lazy) parent. This week is no exception....

We have had a nasty stomach flu fly through Casa de Kramer. It started Monday night with Dallyn and has subsequently hit everyone but Madison and Holly. I hate puke. I hate puke even more between the hours of 1 am and 5 am. The following is a list of all the BAD things this BAD parent has said to various Kramer offspring in the last four days....

Could you keep it down in there, people are trying to sleep.

Could you at least try to hit the ice cream bucket, next time.

Nobody is ever allowed to eat Kraft Dinner in this house again!!!

Not the couch, what possessed you to sleep in the living room.

Why don't you just sleep in the bath tub , kay?

Don't drink anything that will stain the carpet, that's why hey say clear fluids.

It's been years since we have had a puke fest on this scale. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is now over. I would also like to announce that there will be no Kramer Christmas cookie delivery this year, for obvious reasons.  Unless you would like Christmas cookies that also come with a weight -loss plan...If so call me we can work something out ;)


  1. Hey! We've already eaten those cookies!! Great. Well, no one's puked yet so maybe we're in the clear.
    And on another note... ice cream buckets are disgustingness waiting to happen. 3 words: Five Gallon Pail.

  2. PS I hope you're all feeling better soon and thanks for the cookies!
