Friday, July 1, 2016

Oh Canada, Thank you.

Alex-Canada Day -2009

It was 28 years ago this summer my mom fulfilled her crazy idea to pack up everything she owned, leave her teaching job of twenty five years, leave California  and take her not quite fourteen year old twin daughters "home" to Canada...

Miracles happened to make this even possible...Dad willing to let us move, a Grandad willing to take us in and friends in government positions who helped us with the right paperwork....

Moms idea was indeed bonkers, but once we survived the Orange County to Lethbridge, Alberta culture shock (stepping back in time a decade or so) and the drastic weather change ( frost bite is actually a thing) and mastered the Canadian drawl, coming to Canada was the best gift my mom, dad and grandad ever gave me...

Leaving the chaos of California behind, our lives slowed down and my Grandad's gift of stability and kindness allowed Kelli and I to have a wonderful time through our high school years. Bless him.

As I sit here celebrating my 20-something Canada day as a Canadian my heart is filled with gratitude for my mom's crazy idea, my adopted country and my five crazy Canucks ....

The Brood-Canada Day- 2013

I love my Canadian home and can't imagine it any other way! 

Happy Canada Day, y'all!


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