Sunday, August 14, 2016

Beyond My Own

Occasionally my Superman says something rather profound in between making me watch the new Starwars trailer for the ninth time and his 17 hours into Star Trek marathon (dang you Netflix)....

"You know Robin all you have to be is willing and Heavenly Father will fill in the pieces and make it work."

Between Relief Society, Stake Girls camp prep, mommy-ing and and and and....I have often felt like that plate spinning circus act, except I keep dropping the plates....

And I may or may not have been whining about being overwhelmed at the moment Superman's surprise wisdom stopped me mid complaint...

Oh CRAP Super's right (shhhh we don't need to let him know that, kay?!)...
But in that moment I knew I needed to think differently.

This last week as demands only increased, I decided to watch for the miracles instead of the mountains. And on a particularly rough and ridiculous day I crawled into bed exhausted but amazed that every important demand had been met and in that quiet moment I understood the line from a beloved hymn "finding strength beyond my own" in a new way.

So often in these last six months I have felt strength I knew was not mine alone...the words to speak when I had no idea what to say...the feeling to reach out when no need was obvious..

Yup super IS right...Heavenly Father only asks us to be willing and he makes the rest work out...

Gosh I love my wise Superman.....but how many more times do I have to hear the Star Trek theme song before he runs out of episodes????


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