Sunday, April 5, 2020

Never Skipping Church

Kelli and my childhoods were often unpredictable and even chaotic. There were few things we could count on. But there was this one thing. Mom ALWAYS took us to church.

No matter what was going on, mom got us up and dressed in our Sunday best, EVERY Sunday morning and we went to church.

I'm not sure where she found the motivation, when so many other things seemed like insurmountable mountains for her. I know there were times she was afraid of going to hell if she sinned, like at all. Mom spoke so little of her beliefs in the gospel and I can only remember a handful of times she got up and bore her testimony. We never fit the mold really. My mom always brought us on her own. My dad wasn't the church going kind. Once he left I know my mom felt shame. But no matter my mom's awkwardness we simply never missed a Sunday.

Even as a young child I remember loving church and especially primary. It was the only place that I consistently felt safe and loved. Even though home was anything but safe and peaceful, I always knew my Heavenly Father loved me. It started with primary songs.

Its been four Sundays since the Pandemic has made going to church impossible. I'm really starting to miss it. I've also realized the tremendous gift my mom gave Kelli and I by always taking us to church. She built our foundation Sunday by Sunday. She struggled to show and provide safety and love but she knew who could. Although she barely spoke of testimony, her actions taught us to turn to our heavenly father and I always knew he was there, especially when others couldn't be.

Her determination to take us to church was all she had to give us spiritually. It was more than enough. Her ultimate sacrifice, considering ALL she was up against lead to my firm testimony.

I know God lives. I know His son Jesus Christ died for me that I can repent and return to him. I know I am loved and valued beyond measure. I know there is a special work for me to do here on earth. I know families are forever and that our deepest hurts and heartaches can and will be healed. I know no matter the challenges I face here, I do not ever face them alone.

Knowing this makes peace possible for me now. In all the chaos my mom laid a foundation for me to find peace now. My heart feels tender with gratitude for her. I look forward to the day when we meet again and I can hear her love and testimony and thank her for never skipping church.

After this pandemic I hope I never take for granted going to church and the gift the Sabbath is.


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