Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Faith and Facebook Frustration

So people peddle their wares on Facebook all the time, nothing's wrong with that in my books....But, when the peddling of wares is disguised as a vague, baited question, fishing for opinions, but really just for customers??? I instantly lose interest.  If you have a cure-all, service, or company that is the best thing since sliced bread...why can't you just be completely transparent??? 

My newsfeed sees stuff like this all the time...to each his own, I guess?

Yesterday a list of nearly two dozen serious diverse medical problems (mental health, cancer, Alzheimer's, Heart Disease etc.) with the unanswered question "what is the common underlying cause of all these???"

I tried to keep on scrolling, but a misspelled six word comment caught my eye....

the lank (lack) of faith in God

I read it several times, trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt...but that is indeed what it says...

You're kidding me??? Really??? Do people (that guy) honestly still think that way??? Oh WOW...

A comment like that is simply judgemental and harmful..

It implies choice and then responsibility and a "well they had it coming" mentality for the illnesses and challenges that all families face and that couldn't be further from the truth.

It's been years, but I still remember being taken aside when our young family first faced Grant's diagnosis...and in almost a whisper being told "Well there must be some unresolved repentance issues, in his life...if he can fixed those... I bet that illness will just go away."

Okay the fact that I swear a lot sometimes, make fun of my kids and refuse to attend Sunday school, may make this hard to believe...But I am a deeply religious person and my faith in a loving God is the rock I stand on, when life swirls around me.

It is great faith and not the lack of it that has carried us through the gauntlet of life. Our prayers have not always been answered in the way we have asked. But that is not from absent faith. There is beauty in heart break, it is seen in the refined, strengthening that comes as the broken heart heals. I am grateful for the greater compassion and understanding and sure knowledge that there is a loving God that have been a direct result of faithfully enduring the struggle.


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