Friday, May 7, 2010

He Also Provides a Way

We have had a very busy month,between the Temple Dedication & inventory time at Wal-Mart. Grant has had to put in some long days at work and had a lot of extra responsibilities with Church stuff. There were many days I had no idea how he was going to fit it all in, but he did. He did not have to change his schedule once or leave work early, it always seemed to work out. The schedule changed and allowed him to take the entire Sunday of the dedication off, he was able to attend the TYC broadcast even though he was originally scheduled to work...he got off just in time to finish dedication recommend interviews....his boss even gave him a three day weekend when we took the entire Kramer gang to the Temple Open House. None of this has been lost on me. When the Lord requires much from us, He also provides the way.

The fact hit home even harder this week when Madison asked for money for her band trip. We have saved for the trips to Vancouver since last year and were more than happy in spending that money for that purpose. But, Madison's band trip was just out of reach financially and she was great about understanding that........ I simply wrote on the permission form that it was financially out of reach and Madison would have to wait until the next time.

Madison came home Tuesday with the biggest smile ever. Her band teacher offered to let her go in exchange for some service hours....Thank you Mr Kuhnert.


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