Friday, July 23, 2010

"Educational" Video Games !?

Dallyn...Gamer extraordinaire

I can't stand video games...But you wouldn't think it... We own a playstation, a wii, those dance mats, rock band minus the drums (nobody has owned up to breaking them yet), singstar and countless other computer/video games. I have spent less than an hour total in my life gaming...I feel it was a wasted hour. My girls could take them or leave them...the boys in the house are a totally different story. Yes boys... Grant & Dallyn, Grant turns into a ten year old when the wii remote is in his hand. Dallyn is actually pretty good or so I am told...Grant is so proud of his little protegee (eye-roll).So far I have put up with this father-son bonding. Dallyn, has restrictions, he is only allowed use any form of gaming one hour a day if his chores are done...But a conversation with my persuasive, smart- Alec 10 year old (the shorter one) yesterday is making me re think.

Dallyn (wanting more time on the computer): Mom you know "Metal of Honour"(war game) is educational...

Me: Oh really, Dallyn

Dallyn: Yup mom it is.... It teaches you were all the vital organs are...

Me: Oh brother

Dallyn: It is, I know where the heart, spleen, kidneys, liver, brain are...

Me: Guess what Dallyn, no more 'metal of honour'

I guess he'll be ahead of the game in biology next year...until then we'll stay away from the "educational" video games... Yes once again I am out of the running for parent of the year status :)


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