Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tact (what's that?)

Today Grant and I ran into his old coworker while out for lunch....We are into our first few bites, when this person asks across several tables and people...."So did you like step down at work, what's with that???" The hair on the back of my neck instantly stood up. My back was to her. Grant says "no, I chose to take a less stressful position" "Well I guess you wouldn't have handled the stress of the addition..." this woman continues to say...along with several more statements...

Grant was a gentleman and simply answers her prying with "You are probably right"   It took everything for me not to tell this person to shut up be quiet and leave us alone....Its not like my body language wasn't screaming that at her.

Are you kidding me! You know nothing of the circumstances of his choices and are not owed an ounce of explanation. Man some people are so clueless. Its the first time in a while I've wanted to wring someone neck.  I guess tact just can't be taught.

 "That's just what she's like", Grant tells me has we are heading to the car, he knows I am fuming. That's my superhero, always give people the benefit of the doubt. I guess I should too. I'm just a little protective of my superhero. We have been through a lot lately and its just that I know how hard he has worked to not give up. So glad this does not at all reflect our experiances with Grant's work or coworkers, they have been wonderfully supportive as we have battled this illness again.


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