Sunday, March 10, 2013


Thursday evening the Stake President sent a message  asking if they could visit with us (Superman and me) before stake conference Sunday morning (we didn't see the message until Friday morning)....Grant sent an email responding  in the affirmative and quickly headed out the door to work....

About and hour later superman sends me a text....

"So what do you think they want???"

I don't know...maybe advice on which tie to wear?  :)

Seriously Robin?!?

I don't know, honey it really could be anything ....I guess we will just have to wait and see :)

Then every three minutes or so I sent him a possible (completely bogus) calling. It's totally his fault, he asked.....

stake conference traffic control coordinator

stake library inspector

stake hymn book rotater

stake transportation coordinator

(but its me...and I couldn't)....

stake conference greeter

stake amen amen amen guy

stake handbook alphabetizer

stake testimony patrol

stake tie inspector

Very funny. But seriously STOP!!!

stake snow shoveller :)...okay. I. will. stop. :)
I love you! :)

We had much to do to get ready for this incredibly busy weekend. A funeral, stake conference, a we didn't have much time to discuss the possibilities after those text messages of Friday morning...but it was never too far from our minds...

This morning after meeting with members of the Stake Presidency, Grant was called to serve on the Stake High Council

Surprised, humbled and honoured.

It is with considerable faith Grant accepted this calling. His improved health is only very recent, but after considerable council with the members of the Stake Presidency who are fully aware of our circumstances we felt loved, supported and understood and confident this is a wonderful opportunity for Grant to serve.

This was a wonderful weekend.


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