Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Don't Miss The Miracle

***WARNING....I'm a little Churchy in this one :)***

Dallyn and Superman are wrestling in the kitchen...We are sitting as a family watching a movie, after 8 pm...Superman offers to take Alex to the dentist...Our life is so normal, if I didn't look closer I would completely miss the miracle happening here.

For the last two years its been one crisis after another and I have often felt like we were just jumping from rock to rock in the midst of a lava field, hanging on for dear life, with no view or even possibility of safety...ever. And that was just the life we were destined to live...forever.

I couldn't see past Grant's illness; my Dad's death; the mountain of paperwork for lawyers, accountants in two countries, disgruntled teenagers, not to mention just the daily grind of life. All I could see was an immense mountain blocking our path.

When Grant was released from the bishopric, I hit a new low. And my mountain grew into an Everest. Our last piece of the normal life before Grant's relapse was now gone too. "My life will never feel normal again...ever"

Nobody will ever see past our trails, illnesses, weakness, mistakes or hardships, again...ever. We will always be THAT family......

How could anyone see past our difficulties if...if I couldn't.

"I know so many people are praying for your family Robin, good things are ahead, I just know it" a dear friend told me not that long ago...

I wanted to believe that a miracle was coming but...I just couldn't. So many times we had prayed for things to get better and they simply hadn't, sometimes things got much worse...I couldn't take that heartache again.

But then things started falling together...CPAP therapy worked...doing nothing new with meds worked and for the first time in two years I was seeing the real Superman returning....standing again... a little wobbly but standing...I was scared to take a deep breath...but ever so hopeful.

Superman was stable just three weeks...when we were asked to meet with the Stake Presidency.

I had told no one how I felt...that I was positive no one would ever see past his illness again, that he would never be able to serve again, that no one would ever give him a chance because, he's ill you know. No one knew how sad my heart was.

We were completely candid as we meet with the councilors in the stake presidency, Grant's struggles were something they were well aware of....

As the call was extended to serve on the high council, this thought came clearly to my mind....

"Robin you struggle to see over Grant's struggles, but your heavenly father does not, he sees Grant's heart and knows exactly what he and your family needs"

My heartache had been heard. I was floored. My Heavenly Father had heard my heartache even though I had never voiced it. That moment was a sacred one for me.

Stability has continued to take a stronger and stronger hold.

The miracles are in the small things. Grant wrestling with Dallyn, a big hug, offering a family prayer, attending a birthday party, a new calling  Most would never see those as miracles, but I don't miss the miracle. We are happy and grateful and blessed and know with certainty that we are watched over and loved.


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