Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Buckets, Not Burdens

If there was a competition for the LEAST competitive person, I would win that completion, in the least competitive way possible. Competition makes me cringe and that would be entirely be my mother's fault...

You see because I was "special" from the time I was born, my mother kept me and my sister, (she wasn't special), in an effort to make all things fair, from competitive sports or activities of any kind...She thought that failing would ruin my precious psyche....

So now as a forty year old I simply step away the minute I feel a competition coming on....

I've felt myself over the last few weeks retreating from a competition I didn't even realize I had a jersey for...

BUSY...since when is busy a competition?

You're (I'm) so busy?!?!

Like some how the more things we put on our to-do list and then check off, the more worthy, valued and exalted we become???

 Ummm I don't think that's how it's supposed to work....

We all carry a load...single, married, no kids, kids, stay at home, work full time, old, young, good health, bad...Those loads were meant to refine us, not to be used ammunition to throw at those we think less or more  busy or  burdened than us, in some ridiculous snowball fight with the busy yeti.

Busy has nothing to do with the length of our to do lists....
If I feel busy, it's because my bucket is being emptied, more than its being filled....Simple as that. When my bucket is being filled, I manage to find a way to make it matter how much I have to conquer

Making it work also means, saying no, allowing others to say no, asking for help, knowing our limits, sharing your burden, letting others in, being honest with ourselves...

It's about buckets, not burdens.

So here, take my jersey, busy is a dumb game anyway.


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