Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Milkshake Talk

Holly just bribed the thirteen year old to write her (Holly's) sacrament meeting talk for her. The bribe a Milkshake. Not sure whether to high-five her for her ingenious ingenuity or scold her for the shirking of duty.....regardless I think its dang funny.

Holly's  been begging me to help her all day....but there was never any mention of a milkshake, so I told her she was perfectly capable of doing it herself.....

So my first born was left with no other option than to bribe my fourth born to write....

Alex (with the help of Sarah) wrote the following....

Good morning brothers and sisters.  Today I was asked to speak on how I much I loved young womens and what it has meant to me over the years.  I just totally love the young womens program, like ya.  It has tought me soo much stuff but I’m like to blonde to remember so… like totally ya.  The young womens program was totally neato and I like, am so gonna miss it but I don’t won’t cry because then my make up will like totally start running and that would like be like totally not rad. Also I just totally love my younger sister Alex, she is like totally my favorite person ever.

This made me laugh, hard....and no I would never condone such irreverent behaviour. (It must be superman's fault)
Apparently Alex's first attempt was not milkshake worthy....So a not too shabby talk was quickly authored and the milkshake handed over.

My girls make  me so proud!?!