Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Seminary, Not Cemetery :)

There are some moments as a parent when your heart is proud, not in a prideful way, but its a joy that comes when a kid accomplishes something that took hard work. This weekend was one of those moments....
Holly graduated from seminary {an scripture study class that meets before school each day}.

As first-time seminary parent I dreaded the start of what I perceived as, a four year early morning fight to get a teenager out of bed....I was so wrong, It was never a fight (I know we were lucky). It didn't take more than a few days to realize what a blessing seminary was for our family....

I remember a meeting with the students, parents and teachers before Holly`s first year....Sister VH shared a message about doing hard things in life, but with hard things come great and good blessings...That message has always stuck with me, its true in life not just seminary....

Being a parent that doesn`t drive and with the Superman working graveyards until this year, made for some interesting challenges in getting kids there. But it always worked out. Holly`s first year my friend drove Holly every day, even when her daughter was unable to attend....The last three years there has been carpool chaos...but where there is a will there is a way.

Seminary is great. Thankfully Holly has taken her time much more seriously than I did as a seminary student 20 years ago....I called it "Cemetery". and rarely participated in class,{if I didn't go, my mom removed all weekend privileges} a reflection on where I was at the time and not on my seminary teachers....But as a parent I knew seminary was an opportunity I didn't want my kids to miss.

So thank you, thank you, thank you for all those who have made seminary possible for our family.
And Holly Way.To.Go!


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