Sunday, September 1, 2013

Give Us Faith

I totally wanted to post this status on FB yesterday....
Screw it, I give up!....its totally how I felt.
But then I'd be THAT friend and y'all would think I'd lost it (more)....

Last night, I ran across this beautiful blog post again. A dear friend sent me, on a particularly difficult day, several weeks ago....In it, young wife and mother dying of cancer, answers the question 'Do you have the faith NOT to be healed?' in Elder Bednar's talk 'That We May Shrink Not'.... It offers a perspective I had never thought about before....

Do we have the faith to accept God's will, when that will looks nothing like that life we had imagined?
I then went searching for Elder Bednar's talk.....


Full of Faith and Hope.

It is easy (at least for me) to become discouraged and wonder why us? Challenges keep coming with out much reprieve...Prayers for help and healing are not answered in the way we had planned...Hope and good news become much harder to find....Especially on paper.

But then I look with a different perspective, with eyes filled with hope and see plentiful tender mercies all around...Beautiful friends, ones who reach out and rescue. Our physical needs are cared for. Professionals who are knowledgeable and kind... Wonderful kids and I have the best sisters in the world.

My prayers changed last night...'Give us the faith and courage to accept what ever comes and find faith, hope and growth in it'

I think I will need to watch this talk often.


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