Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bithdays in Heaven

[Les and Bob, Late 1940's]
Dad's 77th birthday would have been today, his first birthday in heaven... I miss him.
I didn't remember until this evening and have to admit tears have been kind of close to the surface since. Not all sad tears though ...There is gratitude that he is now free from lifes' torments and sorrows and reunited with his beloved mother Beena and brothers. Those tears are happy ones.
Happy Birthday Dad. We love you.
[A picture sent to their oldest brother Bill, while he was serving during WWII Les 7, Bob 4  1943]
{As we cleaned out Dad's, most things were beyond rescue...But there was a small space in the bottom of an old entertainment unit that had been left unaffected from dust and rodents....It contained family history and pictures we had never seen before. These two pictures of Dad and his younger brother Bob were among those treasures. Tender mercies.}


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