Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It wasn't far into their "tween" years that my children started to believe that their mother is crazy, well at least slightly crazy.

"Holly, I mean Bailey, no Madison, you know which one I mean..." OK, so I can never call them by the right name, even when they're are right in front of me.

"I thought I told you to feed the dog?"..."Mom, you told Alex, not me."Or which one I told to do what.

"It's time for dinner, where's Dallyn?"" Mom he's at a birthday party, remember?" Or who is where, when.

Today, Holly was in the same room as me, which I didn't notice, when I yelled for her to come help with dinner. "MOM!?, I am right here, you didn't have to yell." to which I responded....

"When you have kids, you'll understand why I am CRAZY!" :)


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