Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How was YOUR day?!

I feel I should start this post by saying you can't make this stuff up.... Ever had one of "those" days?...Today would definitely qualify. So as a public service I thought I share the lessons I have learned today:
1. Never ever use anything but dishwasher soap in the dishwasher... laundry soup as a substitute is a bad idea...

2.If your kids break a picture frame by "accidentally " knocking it of the wall...they will "accidentally" break its replacement in less than 24 hours, if it is hung in the same spot.

3.My 10 year old has the strength of Superman.and the ability to break a brass door knob in half..."I swear I wasn't swinging on the door Mom,I barely touched it"...

4.An air valve from a soccer ball can indeed get stuck on your Jack Russell's canine takes three sets of hands, a large blanket & needle-nose pliers to fix the above mentioned problem.

5.Taking a picture of the dog with a soccer ball air valve stuck on its tooth is a bad idea...Cameras battery covers will break even if dropped on carpet...

And I wonder why we can't have nice stuff... first day of summer vacation...only 69 more to go...sure hope the kids, I mean the house survives :)

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