Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shopping for Bathing Suits...Bring Advil

We've got away without buying new bathing suits for the last couple of years, thanks to hand-me-downs and Grandma (honestly I can remember the last time ALL of the girls needed new bathing suits at the same time).If you ask the kids they'll tell you I'm cheap, I prefer the term resourceful :). This year our luck ran out. Bailey, Madison & Alex have all grown between 4 and six inches each since last July and even Holly gained enough height that she couldn't stretch a third season out of her current suit.

Last night our mission? Find four one-piece "modest" bathing suits in about an hour. How hard could it be? Right?.... I took Alex to the kids section while I let the rest loose in ladies wear. Of the suits in Alex's size, most resembled water balloon sling-shots,doll clothes or something that would grace the cover of Sports Illustrated. I own dish towels with more material. After several tries, success at least for Alex.

Now for the the older ones...Bailey's first try would have been perfect...if she were running in slow motion on Baywatch....after 5 or 6 rounds we finally found one that was high enough, low enough and long enough.Hallelujah! By now I'm questioning my sanity and searching for Advil. Holly tried on everything in the store, except what I suggested (apparently I have all the fashion sense of an 85 year old) with no success. Store # 2....even less options...and now I am explaining that shoulder straps, indeed are success. Store #3...two possibilities. Once on they defined the fashion faux pas... the plunging neck-line that ended closer to your navel than your neck . Failure. Holly & Madison will have to try another day. Once my headache has worn off . Do the Amish sell bathing suits?? I guess I could learn to sew but I haven't heard,has Hell frozen over yet?


  1. I can't tell you how grateful I am to only have two daughters...

  2. Yeah and that HE isn't the one to take them swim suit shopping. I took Terina out to find her and age appropriate, modest swim suit...for a 5 foot tall 115lb NINE YEAR OLD. I'll see your advil and raise you a T3=) My only saving grace is that she isn't a teenager...yet.
