Friday, October 29, 2010

At Least We Had Each Other

Today my Sister posted a memory on her blog that brought back a ton of different emotions....Kelli & I were not, for a time, raised in ideal circumstances. But instead of our circumstances getting the better of us, I think we turned out stronger, better people in spite of them. Kelli & I are surprisingly, ordinarily normal people. (well at least Kelli is normal, the jury is still out on me :). Kelli & I could have learned to be critical and bitter, but instead of learning to be critical, we learned kindness. Instead of learning to be judgemental we learned compassion. There is a line in a hymn we sing at Church often, that sums up my feelings well...

Who am I to judge another, When I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can't see. Who am I to judge another?Lord, I would follow thee

Here is the link to Kelli's memory of "Popcorn for Dinner".....

Our experiences have proven to me that eventually everything works out for the better and even though we cannot always choose our circumstances, we can choose our attitude.

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading your bog today, so thought I would read through a few and this one had specific meaning to me to beacuse along the way you have helped and tought a few friends. For that I will always be greatful! Thank you!
