Friday, October 15, 2010

So Not the Good Wife

I am so not a good mommy wife, especially when my Superman is sick or has an owie. But I do try to fake it and keep my eye rolling to a minimum. The last two days I have spent a total of 9, yes nine hours in the ER with my sweet heart while he has given birth to his second round of kidney stones in the last month. Yes I know its one of the most painful things a man can experience and I feel terrible for him. Really I do. I know my lack of sympathy comes from my upbringing. My sister and I both had to cough up a lung before even having a chance at missing school. Grant on the other hand could stay home after a sneeze.

Wednesday when I went back to sit with Grant, he was on a gurney in a hallway. There was a chair at the end of the gurney and a curtain wrapped around the chair and gurney. We sat there for 4 hours in a glorified shower stall. I have been less claustrophobic in an elevator. Once Grants pain was under control we were sent home.

Thursday at 4 am Grant's pain was out of control again, so back to my favourite place, we went. This time they put us in an actual exam room which would have been great except I think the morgue would have been warmer. Grant laid there under heated blankets with happy time meds running through his veins. While I sat in the corner, shivering, realizing how much more apparent my lack of shaving was with goosebumps all over my legs. After more than an hour I finally resorted to wrapping Grant's sweaty t-shirt around my legs. At least now I was warming up and my fanny had gone numb so I couldn't tell how uncomfortable the chair still was. 4 hours later...

After a CT scan a new doctor walked in and said "you have a kidney stone" (he must have been from the Department of Redundancy Department). It's small and should pass without trouble, you can go home know.

At home Grant crawled into bed and slept for eight hours, while I had a RS meeting and then went Visiting Teaching for four hours (a much better end to my crazy day). After supper when I announced I was going to bed Grant actually asked why I was so tired?? 4 am ring a bell, sweetheart??
Grant is feeling much better today and so am I. Someday I learn to be the good wife....

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