Monday, December 13, 2010

Band Parent of the Year ;)

The fact that I am the offspring of two extremely musical people, one a retired high school band teacher makes the following post almost sac religious...but as a band parent of six years, I have come to the realization that once you've been to one concert you've to them all. I know bad parent...Don't get me wrong, I have complete respect and admiration for our kids band director he's an amazing teacher and the kids always play well and have fun doing it. There are just a few things that just don't matter the school or level.

1. The seats (folding chairs, bleachers, or plywood theater seats) are behind-numbingly uncomfortable.

2. No matter how few songs are on the program your will be there for no less than two hours

3. At least one kid always drops their instrument.

4. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme song will be played at least once.(the last 12 concerts, seriously) Madison asked Grant if he was able to come tonight...Grant:"They're just going to play "Pirates of the Caribbean" again. Maddie: "How'd you know?".....Here is Maddie's Grade 9 concert band playing it tonight...Well done girl!....My numb behind was well worth it. :)

1 comment:

  1. When I was in band we always had to play the Robin Hood theme song. Good times!
