Thursday, August 25, 2011

Now That's a Cupcake :)

I thought a post about cupcakes perfectly ironic directly following my South Beach post but trust me this happened B. D. (before dying diet)....

I am now working in the Young Woman's Program at Church, specifically with the beehives
(12 and 13 year olds) an age group I've never had before. My first Sunday teaching them we celebrated two of the girls birthdays....In the only way I know how...CUPCAKES :)......
I've wanted a ginormous cupcake pan for a while.... I found this one at Superstore for $10 .

The girls loved them!
But here are a few pointers...
* It takes 11/2 prepared cake mixes to fill both sides of the pan
*Bake the day BEFORE you need them...starting at 8 pm makes for a long night
*It took most of an hour to bake them....hard to get the middles done.
*Let them cool completely before trying to trim them
*Trim meeting sides of top and bottom as flat as possible
*Decorate top BEFORE you place it on the base.
*Never try to ice anything in a hot kitchen


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