Friday, September 14, 2012

How Was YOUR Morning??

5:00 am: The newspaper delivery truck wakes me up as it pulls into the driveway

5:20 am Alex opens my door to tell me she's leaving to deliver her papers

5:45 am: I make sure Dallyn is up

5:50 am: I'm up, I might as well clean the kitchen

5:55 am : Dallyn mopes out of the house to deliver his papers

6:00 am : Superman's alarm goes off...

6:03 am : Super hands me his shirt on his way to the shower

6:08 am: While ironing, Alex comes in the door "Mom half my papers are soaked!" "What?, How?" "I left my cart outside at the nursing home...And the sprinkler came on"

6:09 am: I'm helping Alex lay out her papers to dry on the my house coat (you. are. welcome. neighbours!)

6:10 am: Finish ironing, I can only find one black sock.

6:15 am : Alex jockeys her way into the bathroom and showers

6:23 am: Super kisses me good bye

6:31 am: Holly is banging on the bathroom door as Alex is STILL in the shower

6:32 am: "GET OUT!" "I'm going to be late for work!" Holly informs entire neighbourhood.

6:33 am: I step in to keep a homicide from happening as Alex emerges from the bathroom, "what?!?!"

6:45 am: Dallyn returns from papers.

6:48 am: He's now banging on the bathroom door....

6:53 am: Holly's searching for her keys, bag, not really sure...and leaves the house in a huff

6:54 am: Seminary student #1 stumbles out of bed and is banging on the bathroom door...

6:56 am: I intervene with the "GET OUT KNOW!

7:03 am: Seminary student #2 emerges and is now banging on the bathroom door

7:09 am: Dallyn informs me he can't find the mouth piece for his Saxophone (he had it ONE day)

7:10 am: I go ballistic , start to explain that he will pay to replace it and explain to his teacher why he is so careless....

7:13 am: Alex finds the mouth piece in the bottom of Dallyn's case

7:14 am: I muster an apology

7:16 am: My sweet seminary students are destroying my perfectly clean make the perfect breakfast....

7:18 am: I retreat to my room as to prevent me from being carted off to the looney bin

7:27 am: Seminary students saunter out the door, stuffing their faces full of banana bread

7:31 am: I tell Dallyn and Alex to unload the dishwasher....

7:50 am: They leave

7:52 am: I'm unloading the dishwasher, In my house coat....

Us, Stay at Home moms really do have it ALL, don't we


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