Friday, November 1, 2013


(Zombie chipmunks refuse to have their pictures taken)

So I was the "worst mother ever" for scheduling Bailey's wisdom tooth removal on Halloween. But in my defense it was then or months down the road and plus she wouldn't need a costume :) (If zombie chipmunk is what she was going for)...

The procedure was completely uneventful and short...When I went back to talk to the nurse Bailey yells "Mom, why? You are so embarrassing!!!!" responding to my Thing 1 get up...

"She had enough meds, she should still be out..." the nurse says smiling, considering she worked all night and had not been to bed.

Bailey had never had any kind of sedation before and instead of groggy after effects, she was a giddy, wound up, hysterical drunk person...

She was laughing uncontrollably as we left the dental surgeons. Stumbling to the car she looks at Holly (who had made a special trip to witness this) and says "Nice jeans Holly....what are you a {expletive}????" We put her in the van before she shames herself further.

As we leave the parking lot and Bailey whips her head around "Whoa, whoa why are we going so FAST!!!!" Grants not even doing 20 km.

She mumbles and laughs the rest of the way....

It was odd because Bailey did not settle all day and  never slept until late last night...weird...

Today she is tired and swollen but otherwise fine. And I love that the surgeons office has phoned twice to (last night, this morning) to check on her.

Bailey you're fine, now go clean my kitchen ;) Just kidding. {I'm a bad parent, but not that bad :)}


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