Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween Hijinks

So let me be clear...I still hate, despise, think Halloween is LAME!!!! If I ruled the world I'd cancel it all together.... Go ahead report me. :)
{you spend good money to dress your kids up in costumes for two hours, to walk around in a freezing blizzard or pouring rain so they can collect $5 worth of candy, from complete strangers, while they  cry about how cold/ wet and tired they just so you can go home and raid all the peanut butter cups after they are in bed are....It doesn't make sense to me}
Well I  ALMOST had everyone convinced that Halloween was canceled this year....
Then there was a know the "you're ruining my childhood, Mom!" kind....
Dallyn announced the night before that he HAD to trick or treat.
"What kind of mother won't buy pumpkins?" Maddie guilted as she walked out the door that morning.
Superman even pointed out that we were the only ones on the street without decorations....
So when Holly showed up to witness the aftermath of Bailey's wisdom teeth removal...Her and I pulled Halloween out of our....umm, never mind :)
We ran to the dollar store...and this is what $10 does....
 Martha Stewart  um.....I was proud...note the hanging ghosts, totally my idea :)
Madison dressed up as Willie (duck dynasty)....and with her friends won her grade's best group costume...
Dallyn had no choice and was a ninja, because it was the last $7 costume in Walmart that would fit him....

Its the 2013 version of the vinyl suit, plastic mask superhero costume of my 1970's child hood, although way less flammable :)
We picked up pumpkins from the bottom of the crate at QF. This is Holly's.... 

 {at least its spelled right ;)}
And this is Madison's....
{Up sided own on purpose}
Two pumpkins, five kids, its totally fair?....I still hate the spell of pumpkin guts!!!!
See I even got in the spirit of things (only because it embarrassed the kids and Superman)...

Yay!!! Halloween is over!!!!
Next year I am buy a case of chocolate bars just for me and calling it good!
You hear me rug rats???? I mean it this time!!!! :)


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