Thursday, February 16, 2012

Singing Above the Storm

Things seem to kind of be piling up lately....mental health, aging parent, teenagers, moving, busy family life. Nothing, on its own earth shattering, just piled together makes some days overwhelming (at least slightly). Its all been cause for a lot of reflection...

A week or so a go I went for a walk on a particularly stormy day (inside and out), it was raining, the wind was howling but I didn't care I needed time and space to clear my mind...
Not too far from home I noticed some thing...The birds were singing....In the middle of the storm the birds were singing....Above the wind and the rain they were singing....

This week, I noticed something in our yard....The crocuses(not sure but I think that's what they are) in bloom pretty early, Why I love the Island...spring comes early here. (By Canada standards)

The prefect reminder that spring is on its way. So regardless how tough it feels right now, spring will come.

 I will sing above the storm and count the days until spring. with the faith that things will get better. :)


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