Monday, September 3, 2012

My Bad Mother, Top 10

I consider popcorn a vegetable

I haven't sorted laundry since 1998

I don't really care how much artificial food colouring the kids have, unless they stain the carpet

Stay at Home moms make Dinner??? (shhhh, Don't tell Superman)

Heck ya, I yell at my kids....I shut the windows as not to annoy the neighbours, I'm considerate that way.

I will sign blank Band Practice Sheets, in exchange for cleaning the kitchen (sorry Mr K) {a trumpet and a sax, do not make sweet music together, picture geese dying}

I have openly faked illness to avoid band concerts, PAC meetings, student award ceremonies.

I have never cut my kids food into animal shapes, or written love notes on their bananas.

I make the most annoying child of the day, clean my room.

I will totally show up at the school in my pj's,  if my kids get in trouble or forget something, and they KNOW IT!

It's going to be an AWESOME school year! Right kids??

1 comment:

  1. I have served the kids all-meat dinners under the rationalization that the cow ate vegetables, so we're getting 2nd-hand veggies :)
