Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Birth-Valentines-Hump Day Package

So I finally got around to putting Bailey's Birthday-Valentines-Hump Day care package together...and I'd just like to thank her for allowing me to kill three birds with one stone :)

I had to wait an extra week for her Guess what day it is? Camel t-shirt to arrive :) I think these flip shirts are hilarious.....

I can't believe we are almost halfway through her mission and she is turning twenty?!?! 

Having her serve a mission has been such an amazing experience for our family and her...

Now looking at the weather in PEI, I'm wondering how my cold-hating island girl is loving her east coast winter :)

Yeah I don't think I'll mention the mild winter we've had and that my tulips are popping up, cause that would just be cruel :)


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